While there are some things you can expect to remain constant throughout the years, it’s not uncommon for other things to change. That said, given that weddings have been around for centuries, it’s safe to say that any trends are likely here to stay. One such trend is an increase in the average cost of wedding photography—which means that brides and grooms have more options than ever before when it comes to hiring a professional photographer. You may be wondering how much does your wedding photo shoot cost? Let’s take a closer look at how much everything will cost for your big day so you can make sure you don’t go over budget!

The average cost of wedding photography in Austin is $2,300, with packages ranging from $1,400 to $3,750.

wedding couple
wedding couple

The average cost of wedding photography in Austin is $2,300. The packages range from $1,400 to $3,750. Most packages are between $1,500 and $3,000. Brides typically spend between 10% and 20% of their total budget on photography.

Most wedding photo packages range from $1,500 to $3,000.

There are many factors that determine the cost of your wedding photography package. The first, and perhaps most important, is how long you book your photographer for. Most photographers offer packages ranging from six hours to twelve hours. The longer you book your photographer for, the more it will cost you—so if you want to save some money on this expense (and who doesn’t?), consider booking for a shorter period of time- wedding photographer austin.

The next factor that affects pricing is photos taken during the ceremony and reception. This number varies depending on how long you book your photographer for and how many locations he or she will be visiting with you (if any). For example: if a couple books an eight-hour package but only takes photos at one location—their wedding venue—then they’ll be paying less than someone else who books an eight-hour package but takes pictures at multiple venues throughout their special day!

Then there’s the number of people involved in these photos: whether it’s just two people getting married or ten people attending each other’s weddings together makes no difference when determining what kind of budget needs to go into making sure everyone looks good while also having fun together!

Brides typically spend between 10% and 20% of their total budget on photography

Close-up of two gold wedding rings for a wedding
Close-up of two gold wedding rings for a wedding

The average cost of wedding photography in Austin is $2000-3000. The average budget for a wedding photographer is $3,000. For example, if you want to spend about 20% of your total wedding budget on the photographer and their gear, then shoot for around $5,000-$7,000. This is just an estimate based on averages from various photographers; it will vary depending on the quality and style of photography you want as well as where you’re having your venue setup (church vs park).

If you’re planning on spending less than 10% of your total budget, then there’s no harm in doing so—but keep in mind that photography is one element that most brides take very seriously when planning their big day. The more important it becomes to her overall vision for her special day will determine how much she’ll invest into hiring an amazing photographer- wedding photographer austin.

Tips for budgeting for your wedding photoshoot.

  • Get quotes from multiple vendors
  • Ask for a detailed breakdown of the cost
  • Ask for references
  • Ask for a contract
  • Ask for a payment plan
  • If you’re paying in full, ask how long after the wedding they will receive the money and when they expect to be paid. This can help you figure out how much money you’ll have left in your budget after paying them.

Wedding photography is a crucial part of your wedding day and it should not be taken lightly. Knowing how much you should budget for this will allow you to get the best package possible while still being able to afford other things that may be more important to you.