Finding a good photographer in Seattle is no different than finding a good anything else in Seattle. It’s just like shopping at Costco or searching for apartments on Craigslist. You need to do your research, find what you’re looking for and then negotiate if necessary. In this guide we’ll go over some of the steps you should take before signing on with your favorite photographer:

Look for a photographer whose previous work you admire.

Look for a photographer whose style you like. Seattle photographers are, of course, incredibly talented and all have their own unique style. If you have a particular style in mind, it may be helpful to do some research before narrowing down your list of potential photographers.

You can find out more about Seattle photographers by visiting their websites or viewing their portfolios online and speaking with them about what they can bring to your wedding day and beyond!

Once you’ve found a few photographers that fit the bill, it’s time to narrow down your list even further by asking yourself: does this photographer offer their services during the times I need them? You might want someone who photographs weddings at night or on Saturday mornings—and vice versa!

Make sure they’re available during the time you need them.


Once you’ve narrowed down your list of potential photographers, it’s time to contact them and see if they’re available during the time you need them. If they are not available during the time you need them, ask them if they know someone else who might be able to help out. If they don’t know of anyone else, ask if there is another date that would work better for them—just make sure it’s within budget!- wedding photographer seattle.

Make sure you can afford them.

When you’re looking for a wedding photographer in Seattle, it’s important to make sure that you can afford them. The fees are one thing but there are several other factors to consider when choosing a photographer as well.

Make sure they can meet your needs.

Once you’ve narrowed down your search and found a photographer, it’s important to make sure they’re the right fit for your project.

After all, it doesn’t matter how great the work is if they can’t meet your needs.

Here are a few questions to ask yourself:

  • Does this photographer have the equipment I need?
  • Do I feel comfortable asking them about their skills and experience?
  • Do I trust this person with my vision for the shoot?
  • Is there enough time before our shoot so we can plan ahead (and not stress out)?

Meet with photographers who best fit your needs and budget.

Now that you’ve narrowed down your search, it’s time to meet the photographers who best fit your needs and budget. Before you book a consultation, ask yourself these questions:

  • How do I want my photos to look? Do I want them candid or posed? Is there anything else that is important to me or my family that I should consider when looking for a photographer?
  • Who will be in our wedding party and how many people are expected at the wedding? Do we have any other special requests (e.g., catering, specific locations)?
  • What does this cost me in terms of time and money (vendor fees)?

Select a photographer based on more than just the price.

Before you consider the price of a photographer, it’s important to remember that price isn’t the most important factor when choosing your wedding photographer. Although low cost can be an indication of quality and efficiency, it’s not always true. There are many factors that go into pricing—for example, experience level or location may increase your photographer’s rate.

There are also ways to save money on photography without sacrificing quality or experience level. For example, if you’re looking for a Seattle-based photographer but don’t want to pay Seattle rates (which tend to be higher), consider working with someone based in another area nearby like Tacoma or Bellevue instead!

When choosing a photographer, ask yourself these questions:

  • Are they easy and fun to work with?
  • Do they have a portfolio that is similar and/or different from what I’m looking for?
  • How long has he or she been in business?

Find out if they’ll have any additional costs on top of their fees.

The next thing you want to do is find out if they’ll have any additional costs on top of their fees. For example, if the photographer says they’re going to be traveling 20 minutes away from where your ceremony will be held, and then another 20 minutes after that just to get back home, make sure you ask them what kind of reimbursement they expect for those additional travel times. You also have to make sure they aren’t going to charge you for any additional equipment or anything else that might arise during their time with you!- wedding photographer seattle

Prepare for your meeting by bringing any inspirations or requests to show them.

Two young businessman having a successful meeting at restaurant.
Two young businessman having a successful meeting at restaurant.

For your meeting with a Seattle photographer, it’s helpful to bring inspiration images and any requests you’d like them to fulfill. For example, if your style is more modern and sleek than traditional and rustic, you’ll want to show them some examples of the look you’re going for. And if there are any things that could be potentially problematic for a wedding photographer—like not being able to shoot at night or being allergic to dogs—bring photos or videos of those things so they know what they’re getting into. Additionally, bring along your budget information so they can help match up with photographers who meet your price point.

Bringing someone else along with you on this meeting can be helpful as well; this could be someone from the wedding party (like one of the bridesmaids) or perhaps even an event planner who has been helping coordinate everything leading up to this moment in time! The more people who get involved here, especially those who have been involved in choosing the venue/date/time etc., will help ensure everything runs smoothly on the day itself!

Discuss your budget upfront.

  • Discuss your budget upfront.
  • If you’re not sure what you can afford, ask the photographer for a recommendation. They may be able to suggest other photographers whose rates are more in line with your budget- wedding photographer seattle
  • If you’re not sure what you can afford, ask the photographer for a discount or payment plan that fits within your means.

Negotiate lower rates if needed, but don’t cut too many corners (that are important to you).

When negotiating for your Seattle wedding photographer, don’t be afraid to ask for a discount. Most photographers will work with you on the price if asked, but keep in mind that it’s not always possible to give a steep discount. If you’re concerned about cost and are looking for ways to save money where possible, then definitely have this conversation with your photographer. However, make sure that you’re still happy with the final result and don’t cut too many corners (that are important to you). If they can’t meet your needs then there are plenty of other photographers in Seattle who might be able to!

You can find a good photographer in Seattle as long as you do your research, especially regarding their availability and cost.

  • You can find a good photographer in Seattle as long as you do your research, especially regarding their availability and cost.

You will want to make sure the photographer takes your budget into consideration before choosing a photographer. Don’t just look at the price, look at their portfolio and make sure they are available when you need them. Then make sure they can meet your needs and that you can afford them.

There are plenty of great photographers in Seattle, so make sure you do your research. Don’t rush into it and try to find someone who fits your needs and budget. You’ll have many options out there, so take your time finding the photographer that’s right for you!