The elopement is the ultimate love story, and it’s the photographer’s job to capture that. You want to make sure your photographer is experienced in taking pictures outside of a studio setting, has liability insurance and backup equipment, and will travel to your location if needed. This is especially important if you’re getting married in Colorado where there are so many gorgeous locations!

Get creative with your elopement.

Elopements are more affordable than weddings, since they’re a lot cheaper to plan, and because there’s no need for everyone involved to fly out. Elopements are also more intimate than weddings; the couple has their own special day, where only their closest friends and family are invited. They don’t have to worry about having enough space for all their guests or that someone won’t make it because of an airline delay.

Elopement ceremonies are spontaneous and can be planned at the last minute if you want them to be–this gives you even more freedom from worrying about making sure everything goes according to plan! It’s easier for couples who want an elopement because they don’t have any other responsibilities besides themselves (and maybe one or two others). If anything goes wrong during your ceremony time window on the big day…you’ll still get married!

Finally , elopements tend make people feel closer than traditional weddings do: After all those months spent planning together as a couple before actually saying “I do” during an eventful day full of emotions (and sometimes tears), many newlyweds find themselves closer than ever before when it comes down this point in their lives together.”

Find a photographer who has experience and a portfolio that matches what you want.

Couple dresses in formal attire walking together outdoors by a river elopement
Couple dresses in formal attire walking together outdoors by a river elopement
  • You want to find a photographer who has experience and a portfolio that matches what you want.
  • It’s important for your wedding photographer to have a portfolio that you like, so pay attention to the variety of photos on their website. Consider how each photo makes you feel, and if there are certain aspects about it that stand out—for example, do they showcase a lot of brides in beautiful dresses? Or is their work primarily outdoorsy shots? If so, then this could be your style too!
  • Lastly, make sure they have experience in your area (or at least somewhere close by). This will help ensure that they know where the good places are for pictures (and also make sure they won’t charge extra for travel time!).

Don’t be afraid to ask questions and get referrals.

Part of the reason we love working with Colorado Elopement Photographers is because they’re always game to answer all our questions, no matter how silly or dumb. Asking them about their background and experience will help you feel more comfortable with your decision. If you have a specific vision for what you want to capture (or don’t want to capture), now’s the time to ask about that too!- wedding photographer colorado.

If you can get a referral from someone at the wedding venue where your elopement/wedding will be held, it would be helpful as well. They should at least know who has shot there before and give an honest opinion of their work

Meet them in person if possible before hiring them.

If you’re on the fence about choosing a photographer, meet with them in person. Ask to see their portfolio and get referrals from other couples they’ve worked with. You can ask how they will handle your elopement, how many other weddings they have shot, and if they have liability insurance. If you are considering hiring an out-of-state photographer, make sure that person is familiar with the area where you’ll be getting married!

Make sure they have liability insurance.

If a photographer is operating without liability insurance, they could be held liable if something happens on your wedding day. So it’s important that you ask this question and make sure they have adequate coverage. It also helps to know if they are insured for the type of shoot you want them for (i.e., elopement or wedding).

Some photographers may not carry any kind of professional-level insurance at all; in that case, it might not be worth hiring them unless the price is extremely low. If so, we suggest meeting with them in person beforehand and having an initial consultation/demo session before signing anything official or giving them money upfront (if possible).

Make sure they have back up equipment and a backup plan in case something happens to their camera on the day of your wedding or elopement.

If you’re looking for a photographer, make sure they have back up equipment and a backup plan in case something happens to their camera on the day of your wedding or elopement. You don’t want to be worried about whether or not you’ll have good photos from that day.

Ask if they travel or if you will have to pay travel costs.

Engagement ring, camera, and sunglasses laying on a map.

If you are working with a photographer who charges by the hour, make sure they are willing to travel to your location. This is important if you want pictures of both the bride and groom before or after the ceremony.

If they are local and don’t travel, ask them if they know anyone that could come out and photograph it for you- wedding photographer colorado. If this is someone who will be coming in from out-of-town then make sure you get their rates in writing before booking them as well as all other requirements for being able to work with them such as transportation costs, food/lodging etc…

Finding an experienced photographer is critical

Finding an experienced photographer is critical, but making sure they are licensed, insured and have experience taking photos in your area is also important. If you are getting married in Colorado look for reputable elopement photographers

Look at their portfolio. Do they have a style that matches yours? Are there enough pictures of couples like you? Ask to see some of their work so that you can get a feel for how well they connect with other people on camera.

Ask for referrals from friends or family members who’ve had an elopement photo shoot in the past. You can ask them if the photographer was professional and easy to work with. Meeting with several photographers will help ensure that by the time you make your decision, you’re certain about choosing someone who can deliver what you want for your wedding day experience!

Make sure the photographer has insurance coverage, as well as back up equipment and plan just in case something goes wrong during shooting time (like rain). A good rule of thumb is if something bad happens during photography session which causes damage or injury (like slips), then both parties should be covered by insurance policy terms since no one expects anything bad happen while having fun taking photos together!

I hope this post gave you some insight into elopement photography. Wedding photography is a huge industry with thousands of photographers and so it can be hard to find someone who has experience and a great portfolio that matches what you want. Don’t be afraid to ask questions and get referrals from friends or family members who have been married recently. If possible meet them in person before hiring them as well because it gives both parties an opportunity to see if there will be chemistry between them when working together on your important day!