Getting married is one of the most important days of your life. It’s also expensive, which makes it even more important to hire a wedding photographer who can capture the day in a way that will allow you to relive those memories for years to come. In this post, we’ll examine how much a wedding photographer typically charges in major cities like Dallas, TX by looking at average rates from both experienced and newer photographers who are just getting started. We’ll also look at how much you should expect to pay for all of your wedding photography needs based on what kind of budget you have available for this project.

An average wedding photographer in Dallas, TX typically charges between $2770-$5800 for their services.

Wedding guests applauding at the wedding
Wedding guests applauding at the wedding

Average wedding photographer charges in Dallas, TX typically range between $2770-$5800. The average cost will vary depending on the location and level of experience you choose. If you’re getting married in a major city, expect to pay more—and if your photographer has an impressive portfolio or is well-known within their field (like me), it may be worth paying more as well!

The best thing about hiring a good photographer for your wedding day? They’ll capture every moment so that when you look back at those images later down the road, they’ll bring tears to your eyes because how beautiful everything was done so perfectly during such joyous times!

A good wedding photographer charges at least 30% of their clients’ total wedding budget.

The average wedding photographer in Dallas charges around $2,500, according to our research. That’s a lot of money!

So how do you know if a photographer is worth it? One way is to look at their prices and see if they charge at least 30% of your total wedding budget. If so, that’s a good sign that they are experienced and professional enough to work within your budget without cutting corners or sacrificing quality.

If your budget is more than $7,000 then this rule will likely still apply—although photographers can often be found offering lower packages with fewer services included when the wedding has less than 100 guests (and consequently less costs). However if you need someone who specializes in capturing the details of events with 200+ guests or offers extensive coverage over multiple days then it might be worth considering hiring two separate photographers instead since this might allow them both more time on-site which would improve image quality overall (as well as reduce stress levels among everyone involved).

Getting married in a major city like Dallas will increase the amount you have to pay for your photographer.


As you may have guessed, the cost of being a photographer in a major city like Dallas or New York is more expensive than it would be in smaller towns. The reason why this is true is because there are simply more people trying to get into that market and this means that competition is fierce. You don’t want your wedding photos to look like they were taken by someone who just picked up a camera one day, so hiring an experienced photographer makes sense!

Additionally, if you live in one of these cities, chances are high that you will have many options when it comes time for choosing your photographer—more options lead to increased competition which drives prices down even further. If you want your photographer to be able to focus on their craft instead of worrying about how much money they can make during each session then consider moving away from busy cities where there are plenty other photographers vying for clients!

Photographers charge different rates depending on their experience and the quality of their portfolio.

  • Where you’re getting married. Location is a key factor in determining the cost of your photographer, as the going rate can vary depending on whether you’re looking at an urban or suburban area.
  • The season of your wedding. Wedding season is usually spring and summer, so if you’re getting married during this time of year, expect prices to go up due to increased demand for services like yours.
  • Your photographer’s experience level and portfolio quality. If they’ve been shooting professionally for years (and have plenty of samples to show), they’ll likely be more expensive than someone who just started out last month with no previous experience or portfolio whatsoever.* Add-ons such as engagement sessions and prints may also affect your budget—studies show that couples who book those extras spend almost 10% more than those who don’t!

Wedding photographers in Dallas, TX typically charge between $2770 to $5800 with higher rates typical of major cities and more experienced or sought-after photographers.

We have researched photographers in Dallas and found that they typically charge between $2770 to $5800 with higher rates typical of major cities and more experienced or sought-after photographers.

The costs of hiring a wedding photographer vary depending on the quality of your service and whether you want an assistant, second shooter, or a photo booth at your wedding.

If you are looking for a wedding photographer, we hope this article has helped you understand what factors affect the cost of hiring one. If you have any questions or would like to get in touch with us about your upcoming wedding, please don’t hesitate to contact us.