Maui is the perfect place for your wedding ceremony. You’ll have beautiful beaches and resorts to get married at, as well as some of the most friendly people in the world! But before you get married on Maui, there is one thing you should know: it’s going to cost you some money.

Maui wedding photographers charge between $1000 and $4000 on average.

Wedding photography is expensive. You can expect to pay between $1000 and $4000 on average for a Maui wedding photographer, depending on experience and other factors. If you book in advance, or if you book multiple services with the same photographer (like engagement session, bridal portraits, etc.), you may be able to get a discount- wedding photographer hawaii.

Maui photographers usually charge per hour.

male photographer and model choosing photos for portfolio in modern office

You’ll need to decide whether you want your photographer to charge per hour, per image, or a flat rate for the entire day. Some photographers will give you a discount if you book them early.

When you have a wedding, the photographer might be included in the package.

If you’re booking your wedding through a resort in Maui, chances are that the photographer will be included in the package. If not, then keep in mind that they can still give you a discount if you book them through the venue or another vendor.

Most photographers will also give you a special deal if you book them to shoot both your ceremony and reception.

You get to keep all of the digital images.

One of the best parts about hiring a Maui photographer to shoot your wedding is that you get to keep all of the digital images. You can use them anywhere you want, including printing them out and creating a photo album. The options are endless!

Most photographers include an assistant.

Most photographers include an assistant in their wedding package, who will help set up lighting, props, and other tasks. This person is not paid (unlike the photographer), but he or she is generally provided with a free wedding as compensation for their time and effort.

Assistant Maui photographers can be family members or friends of the couple. They often take pictures of guests and nearby family members during the ceremony so that they can be included in your Maui wedding album as well.

Most photographers will do formal posed shots as well as candid shots.

Most Maui photographers will offer both formal posed shots as well as candid photos. Formal posed photos are usually taken in a studio or at the wedding venue, while the candid shots are taken during the ceremony itself.

The photographer may ask you to pose for some of these pictures—for instance, group shots with your family and friends. But other times, they’ll take candid photos that capture how you really feel at that moment: laughing with your sister as she makes fun of your soon-to-be husband; crying as you vow to love and honor each other until death do you part; kissing after being pronounced man and wife…

Most photographers include both color and black and white images, or sometimes special filters or effects like sepia tone.

There’s a difference between black and white images and color photos. Black and white images are made without the use of color film, while a color image includes the use of three primary colors: red, green, and blue. Filters are another way to get different effects from your pictures; this can include anything from adding a filter to make it look like an old-school camera to creating your own sepia tone effect.

Sepia tone is one of these filters; it gives photos that slightly yellowed look—like old photographs you see in antique shops or historical museums (think Civil War era). But this isn’t the only type of effect you can create with your Maui photographer. Some photographers offer other options such as tinting all their images blue or red; others might even offer an option where one half of each photo is tinted in one color while another half is tinted in another color!

The number of digital images that you get to keep can vary dramatically from photographer to photographer.

elegant wedding
elegant wedding

The number of digital images that you get to keep can vary dramatically from photographer to photographer. Some photographers will give you a CD with the digital images on it, and others will offer a USB drive with the images on it. If the latter is offered, make sure that it’s yours to keep after the wedding—otherwise, you’ll be paying for storage space in addition to your photography fees!

Some photographers include prints, but this is less common these days.

It’s important to remember, however, that not all photographers include prints with their packages. Some still do, but it’s becoming less common these days. This is because printing photos is expensive and most photographers have moved away from delivering physical prints to customers.

Instead, many Maui wedding photographers are moving towards digital products like USB drives or online galleries where clients can view their images after the event has taken place. You can also print your own pictures at home using an inkjet printer or order them through a service like Shutterfly (which offers free shipping). If you’d rather stick with traditional photography but don’t want to pay for physical prints that you’ll never use again, consider uploading your images directly to social media sites like Facebook and Instagram—a great way for guests who couldn’t make it out for the ceremony itself!

Your photographer is likely to want you to sign a contract even if you are paying for the wedding through a resort or other all-inclusive venue, so read it carefully and discuss any changes before signing it.

Your photographer is likely to want you to sign a contract even if you are paying for the wedding through a resort or other all-inclusive venue, so read it carefully and discuss any changes before signing it. Photographers usually charge per hour and may charge additional fees for things like travel, equipment rentals and backup photographers.

While every photographer has their own pricing structure, there are some general guidelines that are common among Maui photographers. The photographer fee starts at around $2,000 for an 8-hour day (which includes time spent getting ready) but can vary depending on how far away the couple gets married from home or how many people are in your wedding party. It’s important that you understand what type of coverage is included in this price so there are no surprises later; make sure your photographer will be available from start to finish including during cocktail hour and after the first dance!

Wedding photography on Maui is expensive, but not exorbitant compared to prices elsewhere in the U.S.

Prices for wedding photography vary widely, depending on the photographer. As with most things in life, you get what you pay for. The average price of a Maui wedding photographer is around $2,000 to $3,500 per day. Prices are lower in other parts of Hawaii and higher in Maui because there are fewer photographers on the island (the cost of living here is also higher)- wedding photographer hawaii.

Maui photographers are great, and they can capture your wedding memories in ways that will make you smile for years to come. You can find them all over Maui, so don’t limit yourself to just one photographer or even one island; many photographers offer specials on their websites for weddings on multiple islands. The best part about hiring a Maui photographer is that all of their pictures are yours to keep—so if you want even more than what you get with your package deal, go ahead!