There are so many decisions to make when it comes to your wedding. You’ll have to decide on a venue, a caterer, and a photographer. But how much do photographers cost, anyway? Most couples find themselves wondering if they can afford all the different things they want for their big day. As with most aspects of planning a wedding, there’s no one-size-fits-all solution here. We’ll break down how much you should expect to spend on the photography element of your wedding day so you can get an idea of what your budget might look like:

A wedding photographer generally costs between $1,000 and $3,500 with the average photographer costing about $2,000.

  • The average cost of a wedding photographer depends on the type of photography you want. A photographer who specializes in shooting photos of people at night will generally cost more than one who shoots during the day.
  • The average cost of a wedding photographer can range from $1,000 to $3,500 with the average wedding photographer costing about $2,000.

The cost of a wedding videographer will vary depending on a number of factors

The cost of a wedding videographer will vary depending on a number of factors, including:

  • location
  • experience level of the videographer
  • number of hours worked at the wedding
  • equipment and editing software used.

Wedding photographers who are just starting out will often charge less than those who have been in business for several years.

wedding couple
wedding couple

You should also consider the experience and skill level of a photographer. A photographer who has been in business for several years, has a strong reputation and portfolio, and is familiar with your wedding venue and style theme will likely charge more than someone who is just starting out- wedding photographer and videographer

A wedding photographer may be more costly in a large city than they would be in a small town.

A wedding photographer may be more costly in a large city than they would be in a small town.

“Why is that?” you ask? Well, there are several factors at play here. First and foremost, the cost of living is higher in larger cities than it is in smaller ones—and that means higher costs for everything from real estate to food to transportation (you’ll spend more on gas). Larger cities also tend to have more competition for wedding photographers because there are just so many weddings taking place! This makes sense when you think about it: There’s more demand for wedding photographers and videographers in places like New York City or Los Angeles than there would be for such services in rural areas—which means you’ll likely pay more money if your wedding happens around these parts (sorry!).

Another factor is competition between local businesses; if there aren’t many other photographers competing with yours then he/she may charge less simply because no one else wants your business! So keep this factoid close at hand when searching for an affordable option: If there aren’t any other photographers near where you live then chances are good that your vendor will offer a lower price point than usual since they know they’re not going head-to-head with anyone else right down the street.”

If a wedding photographer offers you a discount on their services, this is a red flag and may indicate that they’re inexperienced.

Discounts are a red flag. If a photographer or videographer offers you a discount on their services, this is usually either because:

  • They’re inexperienced and don’t have many clients (which means they may not know what they’re doing)
  • They’re desperate for work and need your business (which means you’ll probably get poor quality work)


  • You have leverage over the vendor, such as being willing to book other vendors through them or referring them to other potential customers

You should tip your wedding photographer if they do a stellar job and you’re really happy with their services.

wedding bouquet in pink colors. hands with wedding rings
wedding bouquet in pink colors. hands with wedding rings
  • Tipping your wedding photographer or videographer is a great way to show appreciation for their hard work.
  • Tip them if they do a stellar job and you’re really happy with their services- wedding photographer and videographer
  • You might also consider tipping them if you didn’t have such a good experience, but want to encourage them to do better next time around!

Wedding photographers can be expensive so you might want to look for one who can offer you an affordable rate.

You might not be able to find a photographer who will work for free, but you can certainly find one who will charge less than the price of a brand new car. If you’re looking for an affordable wedding photographer or videographer, here are some tips:

  • Check out their website and portfolio. If they have a lot of photos on their site and they seem professional, then it’s likely that they know what they’re doing when it comes to photographing weddings. On the other hand, if their portfolio is small or badly put together, then it’s probably best not to hire them unless you have no other choice…and even then only if you don’t care about quality!
  • Look at what other people in your area are paying for their services before settling on someone too quickly. Some photographers may offer lower rates than others because they aren’t as skilled at what they do yet haven’t been in business long enough yet either!

Wedding photography and videography is a very popular service, especially in today’s digital age. Many people are willing to pay big bucks for this type of work because it’s such an important part of their wedding day. However, there are ways that you can save money on hiring a wedding photographer or videographer without sacrificing quality. First off, try not to be overwhelmed by all the different photographers out there because it can be overwhelming! Instead focus on finding someone who has experience doing this type of work (and ideally has testimonials).