There are so many photographers in Maine to choose from that it can be overwhelming. Not only do you want someone with the right skills and background, but also someone who is passionate about what they do and excited to shoot your wedding day. Make sure you’re not just looking at portfolios, but talking with past clients as well!

Maine is full of talented photographers, but it can be overwhelming to find the right one for you.

Finding the right photographer for your wedding is as important as saving up for your dream car or home. You’re looking for someone you can trust, who understands your vision and who will turn that vision into reality. Maine is full of talented photographers, but it can be overwhelming to find the right one for you. Here’s how to get started:

  • Photographers are like doctors, they have to have the right qualifications.
  • Photographers are like chefs, they have to have the right skills.
  • Photographers are like artists, they have to have the right vision and tools (camera equipment).

Narrow down what style you like

Before you start looking for photographers, it’s a good idea to sit down and think about what you like. If you’re not sure what you want yet, take some time to look at photos of other people’s weddings. There are plenty of websites where brides and grooms post their own photos from their big day. Find ones that inspire you, and keep them in mind when looking for photographers in Maine- wedding photographer maine.

Choose the right venue

Formal table settings at a wedding venue
Formal table settings at a wedding venue

When choosing a venue, it’s important to consider the look and feel of your photographs. If you want a romantic, warm photo that makes you feel relaxed and comfortable, a park or the beach might be an excellent choice. If you want a more edgy look (or perhaps even some grit), a warehouse with exposed brick walls could be perfect.

The second aspect of choosing your venue is finding one that suits the style of photography you’re going for. Perhaps you want something more artsy and abstract; if so, then finding an empty room in someone’s house may not be ideal because they won’t have enough room to move around freely while they are being photographed.

Finally—and this should go without saying—make sure that the venue has adequate lighting! You don’t want part of your shoot taking place in complete darkness or else half faces will be washed out against dark backgrounds

Pick the right person

Once you’ve tallied your list, it’s time to make a decision. Consider the following:

  • Ask for references. A good photographer should be able to show you samples of their previous work and tell you how many weddings they’ve shot. How many is not necessarily indicative of quality, but it does indicate how busy the photographer is, which can be an indicator for how motivated they’ll be for your wedding day. Someone who only shoots a few weddings per year might not have quite as much enthusiasm as someone who shoots dozens each season; perhaps they’ll spend more time on research beforehand or try out new techniques during your engagement shoot or wedding day—or maybe they’ll just focus on making sure everything goes smoothly so that they can get home at a reasonable hour at night! Either way, know what kind of clientele these photographers typically serve so that you can have realistic expectations about their availability before booking any appointments with them (and if possible) visit one or two other weddings where this person has been hired by the bride and groom ahead of time so that you can see firsthand what kind of style appeals most to those involved in planning events similar in nature as yours will be- wedding photographer maine.

Finalize the details

After you’ve talked with a few photographers, it’s time to finalize the details of your shoot. This is a good opportunity for you and your photographer to discuss what your expectations are for the shoot and what style you want it to be in. You’ll also want to discuss how much the shoot will cost, and how you will pay for it—some photographers prefer cash, others accept credit cards or PayPal. If you don’t have enough money on hand but think that this could become a regular thing (and maybe even turn into a job), talk about whether there are payment plans available or ways they can help creative people like yourself who just need some extra income now and then.

If you’re interested in getting prints or digital copies of any photos—which I highly recommend doing so that you have them forever!—then make sure that both parties are clear on where those photos will be stored so that they don’t accidentally get lost along the way (eek).

Meet them in person

Photo of business meeting in expensive hotel
Meet them in person

It’s always a good idea to meet with a prospective photographer in person before you hire them. The ability to speak with the person face-to-face is critical for getting a sense of their personality and work ethic, as well as gauging whether they listen well.

If you can’t make it to Maine, find someone local who knows photographers in Maine and get them to represent you during meetings. If that’s not possible, try calling potential photographers through Skype or Facetime so you can see what they look like while talking with them over the phone—just don’t do this until after you’ve met in person first!

Talk to previous clients before selecting a photographer.

Asking for references is an important step in the selection process. Not only will you be able to get a feel for their experiences, but you’ll also be able to ask them questions about the photographer’s skill level, personality, and reliability.

Ask to see samples of current work, too. Your photographer should have a portfolio of samples on hand so that you can see what they’re capable of producing through photographs alone. Some photographers may even offer a package deal that includes one free engagement session or wedding day coverage; if so, this is another way they can show off their skills prior to making any commitment.

Don’t rush to book your photographer. Take the time to meet with each one and see how they work in person. This will help you select the perfect artist for you!